cold deck

noun, Cards Slang.
a pack with the cards in prearranged order, secretly exchanged for the one in use; stacked deck.
1855-60, Americanism
Examples from the web for cold deck
  • Both model fire codes require a means to stabilize the cold deck and prevent the logs from rolling.
  • Interior zones mixing boxes may only be connected to the cold deck.
  • Raise cold deck temperatures to the highest that will still give acceptable humidity control.
  • Missing race and ethnicity were imputed using a hot deck approach rather than the previously used cold deck strategy.
Slang definitions & phrases for cold deck

cold deck

noun phrase

A dishonest deck of playing cards, usually stacked or marked (1856+)

verb phrase

To take advantage of someone; dishonestly assure one's own winning; rig, stack the deck (1884+)